The Role of a Leader

What is a Faith Group Leader?

Faith Groups are smaller groups of people who gather to seek God together by exploring the Bible, building relationships, and putting what they learn into practice. It’s where friendships are formed, and genuine care happens through community.

They are led by trained leaders, who are charged with facilitating group discussion and shepherding the group as they pray for and care for one another. They are NOT teachers or required to be biblical scholars.


In addition to being a growing Christian* and regular attendee**, we ask that Faith Group Leaders are actively moving toward membership in the church.

New Faith Group Leaders are required to attend Faith Group Leader training and have some experience as a regular participant in a Faith Community faith group.

It is encouraged that leaders work in pairs to co-lead a group and continue learning and growing together.

*A growing Christian is someone who pursues their relationship with God. They lean into God’s Word and seek to be obedient to what they have learned.
**A regular attendee attends Faith Community Church at least twice a month.

Responsibilities of a Leader

Spiritual Health: Faith Group hosts/leaders are the front line of ministry at Faith Community Church. People often reach out to them first.. Because they are being called upon in multiple ways from multiple directions, Faith group leaders must be spiritually healthy and mature. Leaders must be individuals who have the heart, gifts, skills and experience that align with what God desires for God’s people in Faith Community groups.

Growing in Intimacy: Group leaders are charged with creating a culture of welcome and a safe place to share (confidentiality). They are facilitators of group discussion, and shepherds of the group; they are NOT teachers, nor required to be biblical scholars.

Caring through Community: Care happens best in relationship. Leaders are encouraged to foster an environment that encourages the group to pray for and care for one another.